Friday, June 21, 2013

Boston Cream Pie

Keeping up with the Polar kick and after a surprising turnout with the Mint Chocolate Chip I decided to try Boston Cream Pie. This was definitely one of the worst things I have ever put in my mouth. It is indescribably  disgusting. Possibly mixed into some kind of white russian or mixed with straight Kahlua It would be palatable but I feel like all you would be doing is trying to hide the flavor. The best way to make this taste delicious would be to get out all the ingredients for a mudslide, whip one up, crack open your bottle of Cream Pie and pour this crap straight down the drain and enjoy your normal sweet treat while thinking up ways to make the seltzer pay for existing. (you could pour it in the toilet or blow it up with C4, or just dump it on people you hate) There is nothing about this flavor that goes with the crisp or bitter taste of seltzer. It just tastes like sad in my mouth.  on a positive note it smells good at first (when you don't know the wretched flavor that follows) like a cream soda lollipop (confusing but still pleasant) then you take a swig and the sweet smell without anything sweet just overpowers everything you thought might go well. It just taste like sour stale doughnuts with a hint of 4th degree burnt marshmallows.  Gentlemen, a word to the wise, I am not a fan of cream pie. 

- This seltzer had its not-so-sweet revenge on me for this. My cat stole the cap and so the OPEN bottle (mostly full due to its level of grossness) fell over onto my computer..... My computer survives but will now smell like this for who knows how long and the memory of its flavor will linger forever. 

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